Newsletter – May 2023

Annual Membership Meeting

Kick off Pride Month by joining us at our Annual Membership Meeting at the Marigny Opera House on June 1.  In addition to enjoying some amazing food, wine, and fellowship, you’ll also hear about the Archives Project’s success stories over the last year, of which there have been many! We’ll also update you on our vision and goals for the following year. The highlight of the evening will be a special focus on the upcoming commemoration weekend to mark the 50th anniversary of the Up Stairs Lounge fire. Learn all about it at the Membership Meeting. Doors open at 7:00pm.

Give Nola Day

Give NOLA Day was a success. We met our goal of $5,000 and raised a total of $5,672. A huge THANK YOU to all who donated! Your generosity makes our work possible and we appreciate it very much.

50th Anniversary Up Stairs Lounge Fire Commemoration

A weekend of events to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Up Stairs Lounge is planned for June 23—June 25. These events include an opening night conversation among the authors of the three books written about the fire followed by a reception, a memorial service and Jazz funeral, a ceremony at the site of the fire, screenings of three documentary films, performances, and more. You can learn more about the Commemoration here. Registration is required for some events.

New Membership Model

We are currently in the process of shifting our membership model from a single annual payment to a SUSTAINING MEMBER paradigm. We are encouraging people to become sustaining members by donating at least $10 per month or making a one-time gift of at least $120. You can do this at the Annual Membership Meeting or on our website.

We’re also adding Sponsorship Levels:

Bronze—$250 (listed on website, one free membership)
Silver—$500 (listed on website, two free memberships)
Gold—$1,000 (listed on website, three free memberships, inclusion in social media post)
Platinum—$2,500 (listed on website, four free memberships, inclusion in social media post, free
admission to all events)

Regular Membership Levels are as follows:
